Good Human Foods That Can Kill Your Dog

No one wants to feed their pup foods dogs can’t eat.

After all, dogs are our best friends, and we only want the best for them.

The thing is, not everything we eat is good for our canine pals.

In fact, there’s a pretty long list of dangerous foods for dogs.

You may think you’re giving your dog a treat to share some of your human food, but sometimes what you toss to your pup might land him in the pet hospital.

Before you feed your pooch that tasty morsel, make sure it doesn’t have any of the following.

Foods Dogs Can’t Eat (and Some That They Can)

Can Dogs Eat Bananas?

Yes, dogs can eat bananas — in moderation.

Bananas have many of the essential nutrients that dogs need, like fiber, magnesium, potassium, vitamin C and vitamin B6.

At the same time, they also have a lot of sugar, which can cause cavities, obesity, diabetes, and other sugar-related illnesses.

Also, you’ll want to remove the peel before you feed a banana to your dog since dogs can’t easily digest peels.

It also helps to slice, mash or prepare bananas in a way that makes it easier for your dog to eat them.

Can Dogs Eat Grapes?

Unfortunately, no.

Although no one really knows why the grape is one of the foods dogs can’t eat, even a small amount of the fruit can be toxic to your pooch.

foods dogs can't eat

Symptoms of grape poisoning in dogs include vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, loss of appetite, seizures, and coma.

Should your dog display any of these symptoms, and you think grapes are to blame, take him to a veterinarian ASAP.

Can Dogs Eat Blueberries?

Like bananas, blueberries are good for dogs in moderation.

Blueberries are packed with dog-friendly nutrients like vitamin C, phytochemicals and fiber.

They also have antioxidants, which help reverse cellular and molecular damage.

You don’t need to cut up blueberries since they’re already very small.

But you do need to be careful that your dog — especially if he’s a small breed — doesn’t eat a blueberry too quickly lest it cause choking.

It’s also important to wash your blueberries thoroughly to remove any dirt and chemicals that can harm your dog.

Can Dogs Eat Avocado?

Avocado is definitely one of the more dangerous foods for dogs.

Not only does it have a giant seed that can cause choking, but it also contains persin — a chemical that’s known to cause health problems and death in animals.

There is no safe way to feed avocados to a dog.

Every part of the fruit — the flesh, the pit, and even the leaves — contains persin.

If you think your dog has accidentally ingested avocado, take him to the vet immediately.

Can Dogs Eat Tomatoes?

Tomatoes are safe for dogs, as long as you feed them the non-toxic parts.

The fruit itself is fine in moderation.

foods dogs can't eat

The stem and leaves, on the other hand, have solanine, a substance that can be harmful to dogs in high amounts.

If you have a tomato garden at home, better “dog-proof” it lest Fido gets his teeth anywhere near it.

Can Dogs Eat Pineapple?

Pineapples are OK for dogs if they’re prepared the right way, and if they’re eaten in moderation.

Pineapples have a lot of fiber, which is good for dogs.

But they also have lots of sugar, especially if they’re canned in syrup.

As noted, too much sugar can upset your dog’s stomach and cause other health problems.

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Before you feed pineapple to your dog, make sure to cut it up into bite-sized pieces.

See how he reacts to his first bite of pineapple.

If he’s not showing any signs of an upset stomach, it should be okay to feed him more.

Otherwise, keep the fruit away from your dog, and take him to a vet as soon as he shows any symptoms of not being OK.

Can Dogs Eat Carrots?

Absolutely, as long as portions are controlled.

Carrots contain beta carotene, potassium, vitamin K and other nutrients that benefit your dog’s health.

But they also have sugar, which can hurt your pooch in large quantities.

As long as you feed it to him in moderation, and prepare it in a way that makes it easier for your dog to eat, carrots should be OK for Fido.

Can Dogs Eat Peanuts?

There’s only one kind of peanut that’s safe for dogs to eat and that’s the raw, unsalted version.

Otherwise, peanuts are a no-no for dogs.

Peanuts, in the form they’re usually prepared, contain high amounts of sodium, fat and other ingredients that can upset your dog’s health.

Your pooch might be fine with a few drops of peanut butter, but anything more and he could risk illnesses like pancreatitis and xylitol poisoning.

Can Dogs Eat Eggs?

Yes, if they’re cooked without the harmful additives in most egg recipes.

Boiled eggs — especially when peeled and sliced into bite-sized pieces — are great for dogs.

They contain protein, amino acids and other nutrients that help build your pooch’s muscles and even soothe upset stomachs.

Don’t give him too much, though: Like humans, dogs can put on weight from too many eggs.

Can Dogs Eat Cheese?

Since puppies drink milk, and cheese is essentially milk in another form, it should be OK for dogs most of the time.

Cheese is loaded with nutrients, not least of which include calcium, B-complex vitamins, Vitamin A, protein and fatty acids.

If you want your dog to eat lots of cheese without gaining weight, consider giving him low-fat cheeses like cottage cheese and soft goat cheese.

Also, check for lactose intolerance before giving cheese to your dog. (Yes, even dogs can suffer from lactose intolerance!)

If your dog isn’t looking too good after biting into a chunk of mozzarella, ask your vet about any alternative sources of the essential nutrients found in cheese.

Can Dogs Eat Cucumbers?

Definitely. Not only is cucumber safe for dogs, but it’s also a great way to rehydrate after a long walk.

Cucumbers don’t have any essential nutrients, though.

They also need to be cut into bite-sized pieces so your dog will be able to eat them more easily.

Other than that, they’re a good alternative to high-calorie snacks like traditional doggie treats, which can pack on the pounds if you’re not careful.

Can Dogs Eat Popcorn?

Depends on what kind of popcorn you feed your dog.

If the popcorn is air-popped and doesn’t have any additives, it should be safe to eat.

Can Dogs Eat Popcorn

However, there’s always the risk of chewed-up popcorn getting stuck in your dog’s teeth.

The worst-case scenario would be your pooch choking on the hard popcorn pieces.

When in doubt, ask your vet about the safest way to feed popcorn to your dog.

Can Dogs Eat Corn?

Like popcorn, corn isn’t dangerous to dogs on its own.

It’s rich in carbs, protein, and antioxidants, and is safe to feed to your dog in moderation.

But if the corn has too many burnt parts, or it’s slathered in unhealthy ingredients like fatty oils and butter, think twice before feeding it to your pooch.

You’ll also want to keep an eye on your dog while he’s eating corn, in case the hard kernels lodge themselves in your pooch’s throat and cause choking.

Can Dogs Eat Onions?

Onions are some of the most dangerous foods for dogs.

They contain N-propyl disulfide, which breaks down red blood cells and causes anemia.

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Unfortunately, there’s no part of the onion that’s safe for dogs to eat.

If your pooch accidentally ingests one of these, take him to a vet as soon as you can.

Can Dogs Eat Mushrooms?

It depends on the type of mushroom.

If it’s one of the over 100 poisonous types, then it’s definitely not safe for your dog to eat.

But if it’s the type sold in stores (e.g. button mushrooms, shiitake mushrooms), then it should be OK for your pooch.

Just make sure it’s served to them plain, instead of covered in oils and seasonings that can upset your dog’s stomach.

In any case, mushrooms don’t really have any nutritional value for dogs.

Your dog would be better off with a safer, healthier snack like a slice of apple or banana.

Can Dogs Eat Peaches?

Peaches aren’t necessarily one of the foods that dogs can’t eat.

In small amounts, it shouldn’t be too hard on Fido’s tummy.

Then again, peaches aren’t a normal part of a dog’s diet, so it might cause problems like temporary diarrhea.

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Peaches canned in syrup are the worst offenders since they contain high amounts of sugar that can upset your dog’s stomach.

Also, watch out for the peach pits.

They usually have amygdalin, a sugar-cyanide compound that’s toxic to dogs in high quantities.

Plus, there’s a chance that the pit will lodge in your dog’s throat and cause choking.

Can Dogs Eat Oranges?

Like most of the entries on this list of dangerous foods for dogs, oranges are good only in moderation.

Since oranges contain sugar, diabetic dogs, in particular, should avoid them.

Even if your dog is relatively healthy, too much sugar can cause him to suffer problems like obesity and digestive ailments.

“But what about the Vitamin C?” you ask.

Well, dogs produce Vitamin C naturally, so if that’s the only nutrient in the food you’re feeding him, better find him something else to snack on.

Can Dogs Eat Watermelon?

Yes — with a few caveats.

The seeds can cause choking and digestive problems, so they should be removed first.

It’s also important to feed watermelon to him in small amounts initially.

Remember that watermelons aren’t a normal part of dog diets, so too much could upset Fido’s stomach.

foods dogs can't eat

Keeping these caveats in mind, watermelons are generally safe for dogs to eat.

They’re packed with fiber, which helps with digestion, as well as other vitamins and minerals.

Also, they’re low in calories and can serve as a good way to hydrate your dog on hot days.

Think before you feed your dog like a human.

When feeding your dog human food, remember that doggie tummies don’t work the way human tummies do.

What may be perfectly safe for you to eat can be harmful, or even fatal, for your dog.

As outlined above, even the foods that are generally OK for dogs can be harmful if fed to them in large quantities or if not prepared properly.

So before you toss any of your leftovers into Fido’s bowl, check if any of the above are present and if they’re in amounts that are safe for your pet.

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